Here is the debut music video from The Fizz Pops for their first single "Alright"…
We know that it can be stressful to pull all the strings to pull a production together. Let us here at Roodebloem spoil you by helping to pull it all together.
Location Information
Roodebloem studios have tailor-made our Website to make sure that all the information you would need for your pre-production meetings are all in one place. Need a floorplan? No problem just click on one of our downloadable fact sheets. Need pictures of the spaces from different angles? No problem at all, just click on any of our galleries for full quality downloadable images.
Let us make those morning call times easier with our Coffee and Teas. We provide instant coffee like Jacobs and Nescafe but we also include a French Press with beautiful freshly ground coffee from Deluxe Coffeeworks We also offer breakfast tea as well as some delicious Rooibos. For a small fee we can place a water cooler in your studio which will cut out the need to order those terrible single use plastic bottles. Here at Roodebloem we are trying to take measures to create less waste. We hope that our visitors can help us in this challenge.

Are you in need of some flash photographic gear? No problem at all. Send your gear list through to and we will ensure that your gear is ready and waiting in studio on the morning of your arrival. With a staff contingency of 15 people there will always be help and an extra pair of hands around every corner.
Time is Money
Sometimes the difference between a confirmation and a cancellation from a client is 10 minutes. We want to make sure that you have the correct information and pricing right at your fingertips. We promise a turn around time on email enquiries during office hours to be twenty minutes or less. Depending on the intricacies of your request we can have a quote in your inbox in less than 10 minutes! Don’t believe us? Try it now; we love chatting to everyone and anyone with questions or requests. For those times that you have an urgent query, or re-quote on a pencil or booking outside office hours, please don’t hesitate to contact us on our after hours line. We will try our best to help from home.

Painting, Props and Backdrops
With three amazingly skilled gentleman on our premises we are always proud to offer our painting services. If you are needing a section of our studio painted to a colour of your choice or if you need a curve in a different colour or if you need one of our moveable walls painted we will be able to assist. Our team will be ready with the muscle to help erect the walls on stays for you and your team. Our garage is home to a large variety of plinths in all shapes and sizes. In addition to this, we also stock a large variety of Savage Paper Backdrops.

There is no production too big or too small for us.
We can not wait to help and assist to bring your next production vision to life. Looking forward to welcoming you to Roodebloem Studios!