Woodstock in the 18th Century In the early days of Cape Town before electricity and…
During these last couple of months we have all had to adapt our normal everyday lives to ensure the safety of ourselves and our fellow colleagues. In keeping with this new way of life we have partnered with our friends at Cape Collective Assist. They have some amazing solutions to keep your crew as small as possible on set. From live streaming to remote viewing; Cape Collective Assist has come up with a three layer offering that allows you to be on-set, but also not to be present physically.
Capture One: Remote Viewing
CaptureOne Pilot allows you to view the imagery as it comes off the camera. This functionality is a great way for you to keep your finger on the pulse. Please note that this is normally only available over a local on-site network.
All CCA Digital Operators are equipped to provide remote access to this functionality in a secure and private manner that is not restricted by network or on-site security concerns. This service is provided at no extra charge when hiring a CC Digital Operator.
Live Set Broadcasting
Our CCA Broadcast Operators can live stream your shoot with a number of fixed camera angles that will be set up in studio. This will provide you with a way to keep your eyes on all aspects of the set from the comfort of your own offices. We can also equip your on-set point of contact with an on-person camera. This allows you to maintain a direct point of view of the set.
Solutions Based on Your Needs
The above services can be tailored to your needs. Please feel free to get in touch to discuss any technical or logistical requirements. We will try our utmost to furnish you with a solution.
If you would like more information please feel free to contact Roodebloem studios at info@roodebloemstudios.co.za. We will then put you in contact with the amazing guys at CCA. You can also contact them directly at remote@capecollectiveassist.com.
Everyone here at Roodebloem Studios is very passionate about making every client feel safe and taken care of. We will strive to make sure that we hit this mark every time. We look forward to welcoming everyone back in our spaces!
To keep you finger on the pulse of all things Roodebloem you can follow us on instagram for weekly updates or sign up here for our newsletters. To follow what the guys and girls at CCA are up to click here.
Sending our love and well wishes to all of our clients and friends in the industry.